Kindly leave your name with the message...

Hey Marc LaPeaux,

If you tell who YOUR "crush" was in high school, I'll tell mine!

(I dont care, because I won't be there (sorry) with my husband, to be embarrassed. Wouldn't be, anyway, it WAS JUST A CRUSH. LOL!)

Belinda W

Crush Confidential....


My list of "crushes" changed all the time and could be too long to list here.

Depending on who shows up, it might be easier to just point.....

15 Days.... I can't wait to get back to the neighborhood.


Marc LaPeaux
Our crushes....

all this talk about crushes....on my college board we had a thread with people talking about this.  Belinda...I'm pretty sure who your crush was (besides me of course) and heck could have crushed on 

I'll admit....y biggest crush throughout high school (and even back into Rickover) was Linda Sedwick. I'm not sure many people knew that.  of course...Staci was up there for a short time back in '86...or was it in '87??? LOL

Bill J.

Crush (still confidential...)

Marc, I'll have my "spies" there, and they'll be watching you! All you have to do is point, and WE will know. (Kind of like Big Brother) Just kidding, Marc. Y'all have a GREAT time at the reunion! Love to you all!


Belinda Waugh

A small group of "the guys" are going to meet at Veterans Park at 9am on the 23rd to set up the party tent and move picnic tables.  If you can help out, give me a call at 708-913-3683 or just show up.

Thanks, Rich

Rich Atwood

Are you ready for some Jeopardy?  Saturday night at Jolt-N-Joe's, there will be a jeopardy "style" game.  This will be a team effort, so more people can join in the fun- or embarrassment!  So brush up on your 1980's US and world history, music, tv, movies, the '87 yearbook, and be familiar with the website- Boy that's a lot of hints....

Thanks Jodi, Staci and Belinda for all the questions!

Rich A.

Rich Atwood

I have a small crew meeting me at Veteran's Park at 9 am on the 23rd to help set up the party tent and arrange tables.  I'm thinkin more the merrier- and I'm sure it will be entertaining...

Gimme a call at 708-913-3683 or just show up.

Thanks, Rich

Rich Atwood
Well just to let you all know,I tried unsuccessfully to find a nice red pair of parachute pants to wear to the reunion like I owned back then.Would've been sweet,the tighter the better!!!      Curt W.
Curt Whittinghill
Curt?  You're going to be enough of a shocker by yourself......
Parachute Pants....

Curt, I am so glad you couldn't find those.... haha

I better not see anybody with bandanas around their ankles, arms, necks, etc. either.... wait, that was me that did that. Never mind.


Is that our senior humanities class on the home page? I had alot of fun in that class....Marc

Marc LaPeaux