Kindly leave your name with the message...

Hey Rich A.   if i bring my copy of your book to the reunion can i get an autograph or would you charge me?????  My mom gave me that old beat up folder we wrote OUR book's a shame i don't have it anymore since the book contained characters based on alot of people at this reunion.  Then was written by a couple of high schoolers..maybe that 's a good thing.

Bill J.

bill judd
Lost in my Neighborhood
I have one Question where is Rob and Todd? These two Knuckle heads showed up at my House one night, both drunk I think,,, (snicker) I answered the door and they asked "What are you Doing at Franks house"? I started to laugh and told them this was my house Frank was on the next Court down.... It was pretty funny. I hope to see you all at the reunion, I want to hear more stories!!! See you in June!
-Judy B.
Judy Balogh
About that autograph...
Does anyone have a copy of Rich's book they can sell me, CHEAP? They're asking $25 for it on Amazon, and I couldnt find it on ebay. Then, would they have him autograph it FOR ME, and send it down here to Alabama? Just kidding Rich, I'm not really THAT tight with money. LOL! Belinda
Not quite lost but...
Hey, Judy! I had a strange visit one night a few years after graduating, too! John Hall and Craig Sprouse (who moved Soph. year (?) and was back up north for a visit) came to visit me QUITE late one evening. Needless to say, I was asleep upstairs, so I didn't hear the doorbell. Gratefully my folks were at the cottage...the guys found a window loose in my parent's 1st floor bedroom, snuck in, and made it all the way into my bedroom on the 2nd floor without me hearing. They were sweet about waking me up, if I recall correctly, gently calling my name and tapping my shoulder, but they truly scared me half to death. We wound up driving around town and had a fun time. Nevertheless, I made sure the window was fixed the next day!

-Christy M. Pietrzak
Christy Merkner Pietrzak
This book is making me nervous.....
I dated both of you (at different times!) Senior year. I sure hope I wasn't in it...

Christy Merkner Pietrzak
You got rid of our book???

Hey Bill-

I can't believe your mom still had that book- that was pulitzer stuff.  You honestly don't have it anymore?  Just for that- yeah I'm gonna charge you for my autograph!  Just kidding, I'd be happy to sign it.  Maybe in 50 years it'll be worth something, but don't count on it.

Belinda- I found an extra copy moving some stuff around the house.  I'll set ya up, but I was looking forward to another 98 cent royalty check!

Christy- You're safe- I think... if the book is in fact what you were referring to.  I think Bill and I were writing our book freshman or sophomore year- or was it earlier than that?  Hey Bill- help me out here- we might have been in Rickover still.  You gotta find that thing.

Rich A.

Rich Atwood
You're safe

Christy....our 'book' was written around 8th grade/freshman year. Long before you came along.  It was mostly the Rickover gang..and lets' just say it involved an alien takeover of earth (the tv movie V was popular at the time) and we killed off many people in interesting ways.  LOL


bill judd

Christy--When in the world did you have time to date Rich and Bill (with all of your extra-curricular activities) and why didnt I know about it? I thought I knew EVERYthing about you! LOL!!!!

 AND, SOOOO glad to see that my high school "crush" finally signed on. Funny thing, everyone knew he was my "crush" but him! HA HA HA!

-Belinda W

Belinda Wells

Sorry Rich...i remember cleaning out the house in the Village before we moved to Lockport and tossing it.  I did however read certain passages to Jill and she got a chuckle out of our death scenes.  Then i showed her our little 'key' telling which character was based on who.  i think she laughed even harder.   Christy...we could always start a sequel if you want to be included....


--Bill J.

bill judd
Me too, Rich & Bill!!!

Hey, Rich & Bill, include me too! It may be my last hope at fame! HA HA! *At least Rich's 16th birthday party was fun, I've got pics from mine, and everyone was just sitting around. Pictures say A LOT sometimes. Belinda

Belinda Waugh