Kindly leave your name with the message...
Interesting Challege....

I'm not going to have to "drive" back am I John? I'm pretty confortable taking you on with my current car....

I'm going to have to see about an upgraded rental! haha

Do I remember that Bug?! Are you kidding? haha   What about Jimmy's POS Karman Gia?

-Marc L.

Marc LaPeaux
A Belated thank you

Now that Kowalski has resurfaced I'd like to take the time to personally thank both Chris and Jose Cantu for helping me survive the most drunken night of my life.  That night has become a night who's story i've told a million times and i still get a chuckle out of it.  Chris...i'm sorry I interrupted you hitting on that girl, and Jose...thanks for carrying me up three flights of stairs. 

Though i still don't remember the water fountain 'incident'

-Bill J.

----Bill J.
Who Said it??

For those of us who were in Jazz Band, do you recall who called us all "A bunch of arrogant a**holes!"? I do.... Who remembers Bullington's car being moved in the parking lot...sideways? Speaking of moving cars, Joey Cook and I were talking about Junior year decorating the float for Homecoming and Bob Goluska fell asleep in his car and we pushed the car with him in it across the parking lot??? And of the subject of cars...Joey, do you remember the night a bunch of us went to Axe Man's Bridge, we were in your mom's yellow car I think her Monte Carlo? Remember what happened???? Those were the days!

Kris (Haines)

Kris Haines Juarez
I think I must have been missing out on a lot of fun....I wasn't in band.....didn't have enough nerve to try out for cheeerleading or poms......didn't do any pushing of cars.....although, I will say this....if anyone remembers Tina Contreras' little red Mustang....I will tell you went airborn a few times over those railroad tracks on Cottage Grove !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and YES! IT WAS ON PURPOSE!) Now, that...... WAS FUN !!! Anyway, I keep reading about everyone's car must have triggered one of mine! LOL !
-Kelly H.
Kelly H.

We are getting a  JEOPARDY game going during the reunion.  Send Rich Atwood some questions and photos at


tracks on Cottage Grove

Ah- the tracks on Cottage Grove- I can remember coming back from a few job sites with Vocational Construction Trades gang and riding with Dave Dodson? ('86) in his big 4x4 truck and hitting those tracks- thank goodness Mr. Anderson wasn't around to see that truck come off the road.  Somebody went and fixed them tracks so you can't do that anymore- the nerve!

Rich A.

Rich Atwood
Bill Watros Money

I cant remember the name of the humanities director who called us arrogant, but perhaps we could use the Bill Watros money to figure that one out.


Mike D

Michael DeLaney
Yahoo Morons??
I thought that Mr. Lightell called Jazz Band a bunch of "Yahoo Morons"??! Can't remember why or what would give him cause for that comment???......that's Pep Band in the photo, but there are some of the rabble-rousers (sp?) looking right at the camera! But those crazy cats were all in class of '86 (or even earlier!) - so how did the well-behaved, polite and kind class of '87 students get lumped in with them??? Maybe because they did all their misbehaving behind the scenes! (ha! ha!)...denise
Guilt by association

It was Mr. Lightell that called us that, but it was mainly towards the upper classmen of that time. I think we may have been soph or juniors after a concert we did at Rickover actually. I recall something about how disappointed he was in how we behaved there. Yes he did use the word a**hole and tried to say then that he said morons. Come on Charlene, you remember don't you?


Kris Haines Juarez
The Yahoo Morons

Alright - I can't believe Miss Kris who remembers EVERYTHING didn't remember this one.  It was Mrs Bullington who called us yahoo morons.  It was during a marching band practice (she was "coaching" the flags) and we all walked off the field because we didn't want to practice anymore. 

Mr Lightell called the jazz band a bunch of arrogant assholes after we went to Rickover to play.  When the Rickover principal was announcing us, he made a joke.  Chris Hecht did a bumbumbum on his drums and we all cracked up.  We were asked to never play there again...

Charlene Krueger